Portfolio Shoot
To help us create our new case studies for the site we enlisted the skills of high-end photographer György Kőrössy, whose recent works include the ‘In the making’ show at the design museum.
Armed with a taxi load of equipment, including his impressive handmade lighting rig, we set up the studio ready for a day of shooting. Laying out each project was an arduous task, making sure things lined up, that spacing was even and the balance of the shot was right. The job was made easier with the help of György’s expert advice and eye for detail helping us shape the perfect shot.
This was our first photoshoot in 4 years and was great to learn some new techniques to help bring out subtle details in the shot such as print finishes and product reflections, resulting in some fantastically vivid shots. As the hours wore on (until 2AM) György’s enthusiasm and patience never wavered, even when ours did, constantly suggesting different way to capture the right image. When there is so much to do on a photoshoot, as a designer the last thing you want to do is be worrying about the picture quality with György this wasn’t an issue, we set up, he shot and the result was perfect. Helping us achieve Socio 2.0.
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